On 5th September 2023, Zonta Botany Bay chartered a new ZClub for high school students at St Ursulas’s College, Kingsgrove. The development of the club has been undertaken by Therese Abela-King and supported by Mr Steven Baker, a teacher at the school.
The club started with 20 members and has been very active in helping with projects such as Breast Care Cushions and Birthing Kits.
Led by Sara Ruggero as President, and Alannah Skurray, Vice President, a total of 32 students from the school packed 600 birthing kits.
The students are planning fundraising events to fund another 600 kits in 2024.
"On 5 September, St. Ursula’s College, Kingsgrove marked a significant milestone in its history. The Zonta Club, comprising 20 St. Ursula’s students, was formally recognised and became a ‘Z Club’ under the Zonta Botany Bay, Inc. District.
“Zonta is an international organisation that empowers women around the world through service and advocacy. It aims to improve the lives of women and girls by working towards gender equality and ending violence against women. Recently, through the weekly lessons of the ACT10 program, a group of 20 girls came together and started a Zonta Club within our school. The presentation recognised us as an official Z Club in the Zonta Botany Bay District.
“The ceremony was an exciting and inspiring event. During the presentation, the St Ursula’s Z Club banner was unveiled to a round of applause from the attendees. Those present included long-time Zonta members who were extremely inspiring, including Ann Selle OAM, President of Zonta Club of Botany Bay, Therese Abela-King and Margaret White, District 24 Student Clubs Coordinator. Our special guests acknowledged the commitment and dedication of the students who have worked to establish the club and become a part of the Zonta community.
“The students recited the Zonta Pledge, a formal commitment to the organisation’s mission, and received a badge as a symbol of their membership. The four charter leaders of St. Ursula’s Z Club – Sara Ruggero (President), Alannah Skurray (Vice President), Sofia Awad (Treasurer) and Brianna Serrao Secretary), - also pledged to hold the responsible duties of their roles.
“After the presentation, we had the opportunity to speak with members of the Zonta community and communicate our enthusiasm for the new club. We exchanged ideas and shared our aspirations for the club, creating connections that will greatly benefit us in our future projects for St Ursula’s.
“The establishment of the St. Ursula’s Z Club is a significant achievement for the College community. It is a testament to our school’s commitment to empowering young women to stand for gender equality and to fight for women’s rights. Through this Z Club, we are now part of a worldwide movement that aims to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes and create a better world for women and girls everywhere.”